jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013

Hello everybody! How are you? Last week Raquel gave us the marks of our reading maps. How was yours? I guess you had a great mark!!!

When we did the reading map museum I could see all your works and I have to say that all of them were amazing and really crafted so, congratulations for your effort.

Although most of you have already seen, I am going to show you my reading map, again ;)

For me, it was a very special work, but, personally, one of the most difficult ones. I explain everything in my reading map essay,however, as it is quite long, I prefer to explain it here.

Since I was a child, my parents have instilled my brother and me the reading. My father is a reading-lover; he reads at least 3 books a month, although he does not have too much time, he takes it even from under the rocks. He has hundreds of books, and loves all types of categories, he does not mind if it is a fantasy book, a terror book, or a love one.  That is why he has gave me lots of books.

At the beginning, I loved reading books like “Kika Superbruja”, “Los Cinco”, “Manolito Gafotas”… but everything changed when I started the High School.  I completely lost my interest in reading.That was because of my teachers, and the way they imparted the lessons.

They always wanted us to read books, make summaries and do exams.  This finally discouraged me to read.  In addition, at college, I had to read really boring books like “La Celestina”, “Nada”, "La casa de Bernarda Alba”, “Don Quijote de La Mancha” and so on, and I suppose that you all too. 

Honestly, I have read very few books for myself. Maybe it is because I have never found a book that fits my interests…

Nevertheless, when I started the University, I totally changed my mind when I had to read children books. They really like me!!! I have fun while reading them, they are interesting, almost all of them have morals and they are educative. I love children’s literature and it is fantastic. On the one hand, it is sad that I do not like reading books like most of you, but on the other hand I am happy to find something that I love.

What about you? You like reading? Which type of books do you prefer? I would like to read your opinions and your likes and dislikes.

Thank you, readers! See you soon.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi Lucía!
    I also enjoyed drawing my reading map. I think is an especial and meaningful activity as well, and very good to do with children.
    It is kind of sad that you lost your interest on reading when you got to your last years of High School. It is curious how that happens to teenagers very often, including myself. I think that this occurs because teachers don’t know how to transmit the passion of reading. I agree with reading classical books like those that you have mentioned such like “La Celestina” or “Don Quijote de la Mancha” but I think that teachers should try to bring those stories to actual times. I mean, the story of “La Celestina” is not so far from nowadays. I actually loved that book. Our teacher did what I am telling you, she talked about its story as it was happening nowadays, then we could realized that things were not as different as they are today (sometimes). This way, students feel more identified with the story and they may feel more comfortable reading it.
    I have to tell you that I understand you, but apart from children’s book, which a love reading just like you, I have also found the type of books that I really feel passionate about. I have discovered them last summer, even if you might know it, I read six books last summer while I took bunches of sunbaths on the beach or in the pool. Most of them were about Arabian princesses fighting for women rules in their countries. Especially I love one called “Amira”, I enjoyed so much reading it, and it was just like flying back in time and feeling the same things as she was feeling. However, if you don’t feel interested on those kind of books, maybe you prefer something like “Seattle School” which is another book that I read one summer and I loved. It is about a teenager who goes to study abroad to the United States for one year, just as I did. He tells you everything he did there and everything he went through. I think you like typical American movies about High Schools, as I do too, so I think that you would definitely enjoy reading this book. It is just like one of those movies!
    Oh by the way! I think I have already told you this, but I LOVED your reading map. In my opinion it’s very creative and original! Congratulations!
    I hope I gave you some help! 
    Take much care,

  2. Thank you for your comment, I really appreciate it. Moreover your information has been useful for me, and I don't know how, but my mind has changed a little bit. Maybe because some years ago you were in the same situation that I am now and you found some books that you liked, perhaps I should find, perhaps I got tired of looking and that is my real problem. I am sure that everything is up to me, I am the only one who can change it and I am honest if I say that I envy people who love reading, but unfortunately I am not entirely, but I will try to solve that problem. I take note about the book that you have talked about. I must than you again. :)


  3. Well, the first of all, congrats for the post because you share with us your reading map that is something “private” about your life.

    I agree with you when you say “I completely lost my interest in reading. That was because of my teachers, and the way they imparted the lessons”. The most of the books that the teachers told us to read were all the years the same and always about the same topics. Can be a good idea if the teachers select 6 or 7 books and the students have the opportunity to choose one of these 6 or 7 books but when they only give you one option it’s like: ”ok, we have to read this boring book”… and also, is a good idea if the books are about different topics, for example, one of comedy, other about terror, another fiction and so on, because not everybody has the same taste. The problem is not only about the books that we had to read, it is also about the exams that we had to have after read it. Why did they only do exams? Can they do another type of evaluation? For example, they can do activities more enjoyable, how can be a quiz in which the students participate between them preparing questions about the book that they have read or some games as can be a stage play, in which the students have to imitate the characters of the book or something like that. Another activity can be that the teacher separates the class in groups (the children who has the same book go together) and they have to prepare a presentation in which they are the experts of the book (all of this activities have to be adequate at the age of the children obviously) .

    About me, I have to say that I do not like to much read. Nowadays I try to read some books because I have to do, in our future job will be very important that we read so I have to commit myself and read books. This can be caused because my parents do not encourage me when I was a child, so I do not have a habit. As I said before, the books that we read at the school are boring and this is another reason too.

    To finish, I want to say, is so important read in our profession. We must be a good example for our students. And of course, motivate them with good books and activities to not lose the taste for reading.

    Regards Lucia. :)

