martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013


Hello mates and welcome again to my blog! Today I would like to talk you about POETRY. I guess some of you do not like it, because maybe you think it is boring… but, in general, how wrong we are!

Poetry is a valuable tool for the formation of Primary Education students (although it can be used in all the ages). We can use poetry with all the subjects we want, not only for language. At the beginning can be difficult to introduce poetry to the students, for this reason we should introduce it in a gradually way. From less to more. This way, little by little, the students will have a more familiar relationship with poetry.

Poetry has lots of values, feelings and contents. Therefore, as teachers, we have to consider that poetry is so important that it must have an important place in the classroom and be always present.

Two weeks ago we did with Raquel a practical lesson related to Poetry. It was really interesting and exciting. Since my own experience, poetry has helped me a lot of times: to study, to think, to feel thrilled… For me, writing poetry is not a difficult thing; the clues are feel what you are writing, play with the words and try to create a melody with the sentences to form a strong structure that, for you, has a special meaning. However, you also must get that the person who is going to read your poem feels what you feel and understands what you want to express. 

How to use poetry in the classroom?

Poetry is a way of communication, a way of expression, and it can be related to any topic. We should introduce it in class because it foments the creativity and helps to understand better the world where we live. Anybody can write a poem, it is not difficult if you feel it.

  •  We could listen poems to learn how to recite a poem
  • Write them in order to promote the reading and introducing poetry
  • Learn  poetry in a free way
  • Create a poem about whatever you want

Now I am going to share with you some poems about different topics. I hope you like it!

Science Poem – The bones

I use all my bones,
To keep me alive!
I need 206!
Not 205!
Give me my bone,
It’s calcium rich,
I’ve got a ball game,
I need it to pitch!
Supporting my body,
Protecting inside,
Where heart, kidneys, lungs,
And others reside!
Give me my bone back!"
I yelled at the thief,
And finally he gave it,
What a relief…
He gave the bone back,
And left without harm,
Now all the right bones.

 Science poem- The Seasons

In spring
The trees
Are a beautiful sight
Dressed in blossom
Pink and white.

In summer
The trees
Are full of treats
Apples and pears
And cherries to eat.

In autumn
The trees
Are red and gold
And the leaves full down
As the days grow cold.

In winter
The trees
Are bare and plain
waiting for spring
To dress them again.

Math Poem – How to make a rectangle

A long line at the bottom
A long line at the top
A short line to connect each side
A rectangle you've got!
Now a shot line at the bottom
A short line at the top
A long line to connect each side
A rectangle you've got!

As you will have checked, we can use poems for everything!! You just have to try it ;)

Finally, I would like to show you my list poem that I did for Raquel's class.

Thanks for your time, see you soon!! :)