jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013


Welcome to my last post…

It has already finished. The last week of the career is almost here. I am sure that most of you think that it has passed too fast, just like in my case. But it does not have to be something sad, on the contrary, now begins our adventure, everything we have learnt, all the works and homework we have done or the exams we have passed, they all now are going to be relevant for us. They are going to mark our path.  From now on everything is up to us; we must do our best to be the best teachers in the world! We have won it.

So, in my last post I would like to have a look about what we have learnt in this subject as well as, since my personal point of view, the best resources and methods to use in class.

When we see the picture and read all those things maybe we think:

Wow! There are too many things! It can’t be possible! 

And our face will be like…

Although it seems impossible, it is! We have got it, we all now know all that content.

I have really enjoyed with this subject and I have learnt lots of new things that I ignored or I didn’t know. But if I had to choose the content and methods that I like the most I would choose…

Because it is very visual, easy and simple to do, in addition it is attractive and you can adapt it to any topic. Children have fun watching it and it is easier that they acquire a knowledge by using it!

This is a storytelling we did, talking about the different types of instruments for the music subject.

Because it is a good method to make the students memorise, remember or get a new knowledge. They can learn through scenes of a film, story, tale or even contents of a subject. Also I think it is so fun and enjoyable. 

Here you have an example of frozen frames. We are Clara and me imitating a famous scene of the ghost twins of the film “The Shining”. We are identical, aren’t we? 

Because it is one of the best ways to develop the students’ creativity and imagination. As well as improve the reading comprehension. It is the perfect tool to exercise the memory. Moreover you can use it to guide the students’ knowledge. And there are lots of resources to use poetry! And it also can be used for all the subjects.

Here I show you my riddle poem, can you guess what the answer is?

Because I love it since I was a child and I have practised it for many years. In my opinion I think that teach trough the theatre is a fabulous way to improve many skills.  It foments the imagination, and improves things like reading, comprehension and memorising. Moreover it covers the 4 Cs: content, culture, cognition and communication. As you can see, it is a perfect and a complete method to use in class.

This is an example about what we did in our last seminar.

Which are your favourite methods to use in class?

I hope you have enjoyed with my blog and with all the posts I have written with all my affect and effort. Thank you guys for reading me and writing here. It has been such an amazing activity!

See you soon.

jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2013

Good evening everybody! How are you? Are you ready to finish the classes? I don’t think so…

But, on the one hand, I am sure that the best is yet to come

Today I would like to talk about the “I Can Tell it” workshop we did last week with the pupils of the Daoiz and Velarde Bilingual School, of Alcalá de Henares. But, first of all, what did we pretend with this activity? And, why that name?

  • -          Children were advised in their school that in the University there were lots of Fairy Tales characters that had lost their memory. This way, they didn’t remember who they were! So, children had to help them to memorise everything by playing games with them, singing songs, dancing, making puzzles…

  • -          If you pay attention to the sentence I Can Tell it, you will see that if we link every capital letter of each word it will form ICT, which is an acronym that stands for Information Communications Technology. It is an useful resource that helps us to work with the new technologies.

Once the students were in the university, they had to pass through the different groups of tales that there were placed in the different classrooms.
  In my group we were María Salazar, Clara García, Natalia León, Andrea Sáez, Rocío Martínez, Sonsoles Torres, Carla Hernández, Marta Muñoz and me, and the Fairy Tale we chose was The Three Little Pigs. The main reason why we decided to choose this tale was generally, that most of us love that story, and as the children were from the first cycle, they were going to need repetition and an easy and familiar story.

  Now I am going to explain you what we did with the students.

  First of all, when they were inside the classroom, the three little pigs (Carla, Sonsoles and me) were singing the famous song of the film “Who is afraid of the big bad wolf?”, however, we made a little change with the lyrics, being this:

Look at this rounded nose, rounded nose, rounded nose
                    Look at this curly tail, curly tail, curly tail

                    Look at this little ears, little ears, little ears

     This is the representation of the song:

  As we didn’t remember who we were, after that song, the children had to help us to remember our identity. Once we knew who we were, we discovered a poster with the face of the big bad wolf, so we asked them if they knew who he was. 

  Then the wolf came in the classroom but he fast fell asleep in the floor. 
  After this, we used in the digital board the program JCLIC in order to make children use the new technologies and recreate the story of the Three Little Pigs through some activities.

  So we asked for some help to our friends: Mr. Lion, Miss Fairy and Miss Mouse, always with the help of the children. But there were a problem… our friends were sleeping, and there was only one method to wake them up, using the magic words: Please, please, please, help me, please! They would help us to win the big bad wolf!

  The students were divided in three groups: the straw house, the wood house and the brick house. So each pig, with the help of the students and one helper, had to rebuilt their houses and think in a plan to destroy the wolf. Finally, when they had detroyed the wolf, all together danced and sang our song!

  It was a relly funny activity, we enjoyed it a lot, and also the children. For me, it has been one of the best activities that we have done during all the career! I will always remember that day.

  Here you can see some pictures of the Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf.

   I hope you liked it!! See you soon.